Okay, I will write this in English, I have been making quite a lot observations since I came here, first of all my new Short hair cut makes me here very ‘usual’ and ‘standard’ German-looking girl I guess cuz 85% of Female gender has short hair! Even shorter than mine, just so-called poshy girls have their hair long… Which is very usual for Turkey actually. In German society, the genders are somehow mixed, and getting closer to each other. The female part shows more masculine behaviour & looks and the male part more feminine… For instance boys in Ebru’s old WG, can cook and CLEAN, which girls do not! And the girls in her WG were talking and acting so masculine I felt so strange. They do not have any society pressure on them, no traditions, no duties, they are so liberal and free and this leads them to treat in a less feminine way for girls. Many girls & women , their outfits, looks, i really cannot believe my eyes! I can understand why many people become homosexual here, because both genders are mixed, a girl can look dominant whereas a boy looks more fragile. This fact makes categorizing in gender, so the possibility of each gender to like his/her own gender gets quite high!
Geschlechter in Deutschland
- May 4, 2010
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- Genel
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Written by EGe
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