
42 articles

Riyad’ın Kızları, Girls of Riyadh, بنات الرياض .. Bir Dogu masalı…

I have recently finished reading the Girls of Riyadh by Raja’ al-Sani... That made me think a lot... It may be a best-seller book, I do not CARE. It shows me many aspects of different lives. I read the book at the summer house where my grandparents live. I combined my observations with the book I read. First of all,…
A belated Post, geç kalmıs bir yazı: Mona Boutchebak!

A belated Post, geç kalmıs bir yazı: Mona Boutchebak!

في قلبي راكي ساكنه fi kalbi araki sekna in my heart I see you living... Mona Boutchebak, is an Algerian musician and singer, who studied Arab-Analucian Music. She plays the kuitra and the oud. She has a band called: Les Orientales, and also has an album called: Le Diwan de Mona. With the band they made a brilliant album in…
Tabadoul Orchestra

Tabadoul Orchestra

This orchestra was founded last sumer/2010 in Germany! They are really fascinating! The vocal is a an Egyptian lady called Dina, her voice is really beautiful, the album is completely amazing!She covered a song of Fairuz, I loved it, in Turkey we have another cover of that by Deniz Seki...(Böyle Gelmiş Böyle Geçer) and also a spanish version called :…

Tunus ayaklanmaları sonrası…

Tunus'da bir ilk yaşanıyor ve halkın isteğiyle bir lider ülkeyi terk etti...Diktatörlüğüne son verdi...Arada çatışmalarda onlarca kişi öldü, sosyal ortamda da bu birliği görebiliyorum. Tunuslu arkadaşım Fatma'nın profilinden...Bin Ali Cidde'ye sığınmış; yakın zamanda seçime gidiyor Tunus, hayırlısı...

oh well, Düzce (:

wow it has been sometime like we are almost at half of it... a little bit more patience... now that exams are coming up, also do my concerts! My first date is with Yasmin Levy on Saturday, on the day before i will take the TOEFL once it will be like a prize =)today while in shuttle, we discovered…

Arab Andalusia

Mi pupila rescata lo que está preso en la página: lo blanco a lo blanco y lo negro a lo negro.My eye frees what the page imprisons: the white the white and the black the black Ibn'Ammar,1086 Y, al ponerse en el delicioso ocaso de sus labios, dejaba el crepúsculo en su mejilla. The wine-sun settingin the delicious west of…

are you sure?

to make this ours? (:ech Edani (I Shouldn't Have Fallen in Love With You)Yo pensando en ti toda la nocheYo pensando en ti toda la nocheQue tanto te queriaclick to see its live video!


t’es beau, t'es beau parce que t'es courageux... de regarder dans le fond des yeux celui que te defie d’être heureux. t’es beau,t’es beau comme un cri silencieux c’est comme une rengaine, quelques notes en peine, qui forcent mon cœur, qui forcent ma joie,quand je pense a toi, A présent. J’ai beau, J’ai beau me dire qu’au fond c’est mieux,…