Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, August 2019

Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, August 2019

I visited the Upper Belvedere Palace on my birthday, and seeing / witnessing "The Kiss" from Gustav Klimt was a birthday gift for me :) This Baroque palace has 800 years of art history - with masterpieces by Klimt, Schiele, Monet and van Gogh. Upper Belvedere Built by the famous Baroque architect Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt to be used as…
Leopold Museum, August 2019

Leopold Museum, August 2019

So, another stop at museum rally in Vienna. Leopold Museum, with around 6000 artworks, is in the Museumsquarter in Vienna. It has one of the largest collections of modern Austrian art focusing on the second half of the nineteenth century and subsequent Modernism, containing artists such as Egon Schiele, Gustav Klimt, Oskar Kokoschka and Richard Gerstl. The works are showing the gradual transformation from…
Albertina Museum, August 2019

Albertina Museum, August 2019

Sean Scully Eleuthera 7 June until 8 September 2019 This was the first museum of our Vienna-Museum-Marathon which lasted 3-4 days. When visiting a capital one always has some "great expectations" and Vienna does not disappoint you, not at all! Albertina Museum has two significant collections of Impressionist (Monet, Degas, Cézanne, Toulouse-Lautrec, and Gauguin) and early 20th-century art Augustus Bridge - Dresden -…
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, August 2019

Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, August 2019

Museum mania in Vienna! :) This trip was during our birthdays in 2019. So I got a Vienna card and enjoyed all the museum at the fullest! The art history museum has the famous "Tower of babel". In "Royal Museum of Fine Arts Belgium" you see a variety of it. Then you see "David and Goliath" from Caravaggio again! The…
Bangkok National Museum, February 2019

Bangkok National Museum, February 2019

Bangkok National Museum was pretty big altough during our time there were some halls which were being renovated. It has 12 halls with multimedia displays in English. It is Thailand's largest collection of local art and artefacts, founded by King Chulalongkorn in 1874 to exhibit the royal collections of his father King Mongkut. It is placed in former 18th century…
Städel Museum, May 2019

Städel Museum, May 2019

TITIAN and the Renaissance in Venice 13 FEBRUARY - 26 MAY 2019 A super duper collection again! Each German city offers surprises... Städel museum was founded by banker & businessman Johann Friedrich Städel in 1815. It ranks as Germany's oldest museum foundation. The collection offers 700 years of European art from the early 14. century to the present. There are…
Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, April 2019

Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, April 2019

Paying a visit to Brussels again after three years / for the previous one click here . I realize I took photos of the same works without even realizing it. I have a stable admiration:) Susanna and the Elders - Jan Massys, 1567 L’atelier des femmes peintres / Workshop of female painters - Philippe-Jacques van Bree, 1833The Fall of the…
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, December 2018

Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, December 2018

Another Staatsgalerie visit after I moved to Stuttgart in August 2018. As you see I photographed again a Monet, I guess I really liked this painting. I like the fact that the collection has pieces from manyyyy famous artists; I was so pleased to see Gauguin, I wanted to share it. E Haere oe i hia (Where Are You Going?)…
Ruhlar Evi

Ruhlar Evi

Isabel Allende'nin "Eva Luna" ve "Aşktan ve Gölgeden" kitaplarını üniversitedeyken, Latin Amerika Edebiyatı'na iyice sarmışken okumuştum. Ama en ünlü kitabı olan "Ruhlar Evi"ni nedense es geçmişim. Sankt Georg Kitap Klübü'nün Mart ayı seçimi bu kitap oldu. Kitap epey sürükleyici olduğundan kısa sürede okunuyor.Genel anlamda Şili'nin tarihi geçmişini de arka planda yansıttığından çok hoşuma gitti. Gerek depremler olsun ki Büyük Şili…
Bodemuseum, July 2018

Bodemuseum, July 2018

This museum has so many pieces from old Istanbul so called Constantinapolis, somehow you feel familiar with the stuff that are exhibited. All this Byzantine look on them is very similar to the ones in Istanbul churches. Church of San Michele in Africisco Mosaic from Ravenna, 545Schmalseite eines Sarkophags »Christusrelief« - Dokimeion, 3. century & Contantinapolis early 5.th century Satyr…