How nice to see Mariza live again after 9 years! I remember so well, it was back in 2007 and I was preparing for the university entrance exam and I saw that she was coming to Istanbul! My heart went boom! I have been to Portugal in 2006 even before seeing the popular Mediterranean countries like Spain and Italy, the reasons were FADO and friends I had there. She had a concert in Bragança right after my date of return and I was so sad that I could not see her.
So it took another year for me too see her and how I was touched by her strong voice! It brought tears to my eyes during the concert, so I was somehow mesmerized.
Now after 9 years, I had chance to see her live again. Of course she has released new albums during the period, she has come here for the world tournée of her new album “Mundo”. The producer of the album is Javier Limon so there are some Spanish songs too :) Alma is really beautiful and then there is this Carlos Gardel tango called Caprichosa who is talking about a Portuguese girl.

During the concert Mariza had a long red dress which unveils her tall figure beautifully. During caprichosa she has also made some Spanish dance figures. She mentioned that her grandfather from father side has had lived in Venezuela for a long time, so at home her grandfather and dad used to talk in Spanish too. It was her father who asked her to “discover” a tango or a milonga and she GOOGLEd it and found Caprichosa :) She also told us that her grandfather used to call her Maritza instead of Mariza, which is a more Spanish version due to his years back in Venezuela :)
She dedicated the song “Sem mim” to her husband, she told us a bit about her love story too. Her previous album got released 5 years ago so meanwhile she had a baby one and then got married! She was very happy to find her soulmate of course…

As you might know Mariza is half Mozambican and half Portuguese, she mentioned that as she gets older she got more attached to her African roots so in her new album she sang a Cabo Verdian song called: Padoce de céu azul.
She sang her classic “Meu Fado Meu” as an encore and also signed my CD at the backstage :)

Below you can watch 8 songs from the concert: