On our last day in London we managed to go to Tate Britain at least, sadly I had to skip Tate Modern this time. It is hard to see everything with a 1 year old baby.
This collection spreads around 17 rooms, I have made photos almost in every room, it was very impressive. You can see how colonialism is reflected, how families who got rich from slave trading prospered and have happy family portraits…
Exiles and Dynasties 1545–1640
A Young Lady Aged 21, Possibly Helena Snakenborg, Later Marchioness of Northampton – British SChool 16th centurytü, 1569Portrait of an Unknown Lady -Hans Eworth, c.1565–8Portrait of Captain Thomas Lee -Marcus Gheeraerts II, 1594Portrait of a Lady, Called Elizabeth, Lady Tanfield -Unknown artist, Britain, 1615Portrait of an Unknown Lady -attributed to Marcus Gheeraerts II , c.1595Portrait of Anne Wortley, Later Lady Morton – Unknown artist, Britain, c.1620An Allegory of Man – Unknown artist, Britain, 1596 or afterBritain Portrait of William Style of Langley -Unknown artist, 1636Portrait of Mary Kytson, Lady Darcy of Chiche, later Lady Rivers -Unknown artist, c.1590Lady Elizabeth Grey, Countess of Kent -Paul Van Somer, c.1619The Cholmondeley Ladies -Unknown artist, Britain , c.1600–10The Saltonstall Family -David Des Granges , c.1636–7
Court versus Parliament 1640-1720
Two Ladies of the Lake Family – Sir Peter Lely, c.1660Portrait of an Unknown Lady – Joan Carlile, 1650–5Still Life -Edward Collier, 1699Monkeys and Dogs Playing -Francis Barlow, 1661 The Whig Junto – John James Baker, 1710 Portrait of a Young Girl – Mary Beale, c.1681 Portrait of a Lady, probably the artist, -Anne Killigrew , c.1685Sir Neil O’Neill – John Michael Wright, 1680
Metropolis 1720–1760
A View of the Thames with the York Buildings Water Tower -After Samuel Scott, ?c.1760–70 An Arch of Westminster Bridge – Samuel Scott, c.1750 The Schutz Family and their Friends on a Terrace – Philip Mercier, 1725The Harvey Family -Sir Godfrey Kneller, 1721The Du Cane and Boehm Family Group – Gawen Hamilton, 1734–5An English Family at Tea – Joseph Van Aken, c.1720Covent Garden Market -Balthazar Nebot, 1737The Strode Family – William Hogarth, c.1738A Scene from ‘The Beggar’s Opera’ VI – William Hogarth , 1731Molly House – Pablo Bronstein, 2023
The Exhibition Age 1760–1815
Apparently I have mode no photos in this room, I wonder now why?
Revolution and Reform 1776–1833
Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows – John Constable, 1831Punch or May Day – Benjamin Robert, 1829Titania and Bottom – Henry Fuseli, 1790The Death of Major Peirson, 6 January 1781 – John Singleton Copley, 1782-3The Field of Waterloo – Joseph Mallord William Turner, exhibited 1818The Grand Attack on Valenciennes by the Combined Armies under the Command of HRH Duke of York – Philip James De Loutherbourg, 1794Head of a Man – Ira Frederick Aldridge, ex. 1827Two Children with a Book – Emma Soyer (née Jones), 1831
William Blake
Pity- William Blake, 1795Newton – William Blake, 1795The Simoniac Pope – William Blake, 1824-7The Spiritual Form of Pitt Guiding Behemoth- William Blake, 1795Agony in the Garden – William Blake, 1799-1800
Chris Offili
William Blake has inspired this artist a lot, that is why there was a seperate room for him in this part of the collection although his artworks are pretty new. Tate describes the artist as “Ofili freely mixes iinfluences from diverse sources to create works that are partly figurative and partly abstract. European art history is combined with African American and Black British popular culture, while Biblical stories flow into Caribbean folklore and Greek myths“
Harvester – Chris Ofili, 2021
Art for the Crowd 1815–1905
The Lament for Icarus – Herbert Draper ,exhibited 1898Broken Vows -Philip Hermogenes Calderon, 1856The Golden Stairs -Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, Bt ,1880The Derby Day – William Powell Frith, 1856–8The First Interview between the Spaniards and the Peruvians -Henry Perronet Briggs, exhibited 1827Hammersmith Bridge on Boat-race Day -Walter Greaves , c.1862King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid -Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, Bt,,1884 Summer (‘Portrait’) -James Tissot, 1876A Favourite Custom -Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema ,1909Holyday -James Tissot,c.1876The North-West Passage -Sir John Everett Millais, Bt, 1874The Doctor -Sir Luke Fildes , exhibited 1891The Last Day in the Old Home – Robert Braithwaite Martineau ,1862The Vale of Rest –Sir John Everett Millais, Bt ,1858–9Psyche Before the Throne of Venus – Henrietta Rae ,1894August Blue -Henry Scott Tuke, 1893–4Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose -John Singer Sargent, 1885–6
In Open Air 1810–1930
The Bridge -Philip Wilson Steer 1887–8Claude Monet Painting by the Edge of a Wood ? -John Singer Sargent , 1885Winter Work -Sir George Clausen , 1883–4, The Bridge at Sèvres -Alfred Sisley, 1877Le Passeur (The Ferryman) -William Stott of Oldham, 1881The Flower Girl -Sir James Jebusa Shannon , 1900Prince or Shepherd? (Prince ou Berger?) -William Stott of Oldham, 1880A Fisher Girl’s Light (A Pilgrim of Volendam returning from Kevelaer) -Marianne Stokes, 1899
Beauty as Protest 1845–1905
Christ in the House of His Parents (‘The Carpenter’s Shop’) -Sir John Everett Millais,Bt, 1849–50Jesus Washing Peter’s Feet -Ford Madox Brown, 1852–6Rosa Triplex -Dante Gabriel Rossetti ,1867Wild Flowers at the Corner of a Cornfield -Martha Darley Mutrie, c.1855–60Sancta Lilias -Dante Gabriel Rossetti , 1874Gretchen -Joanna Mary Wells , 1861Ophelia -Sir John Everett Millais, Bt , 1851–2
Sensation and Style 1870–1910
Harmony in Grey and Green: Miss Cicely Alexander -James Abbott McNeill Whistler , 1872–4Hope -George Frederic Watts and assistants, 1886Study in Blue and Grey -Sidney Starr, 1891Study of Mme Gautreau -John Singer Sargent, c.1884The Moon and Sleep -Simeon Solomon, 1894
Annie Sywnnerton
This is a woman artist who was a symbol a bit of feminism if you ask me. Tate describes the artist so “Swynnerton was also involved with the fight for women’s political rights, joining the Manchester Society of Women’s Suffrage in 1880. She lived to see women gain the vote on the same terms as men in 1928.
Miss Elizabeth Williamson on a Pony – Annie Louisa Swynnerton,1906Geoffrey and Christopher Herringham – Annie Louisa Swynnerton, 1899New Risen Hope – Annie Louisa Swynnerton, 1904Portrait of Miss Elizabeth Williamson – Annie Louisa Swynnerton, 1906Oreads – Annie Louisa Swynnerton, exhibited 1907
A room of One’s Own 1890–1915
Seated Nude: The Black Hat -Philip Wilson Steer, c.1900Mrs Cyprian Williams and her Two Little Girls – Philip Wilson Steer, 1891Woman at her Toilet -Edgar Degas, c.1894
Historic and Modern British Art: Troubled Glamour: 1760–1830
Christiaan van Molhoop – Ozias Humphry, 1795Mrs Johnstone and her Son (?) – George Romneyc.1775–80Portrait of Sir Francis Ford’s Children Giving a Coin to a Beggar Boy – Sir William Beechey, exhibited 1793Emma Hart as Circe -George Romney , c.1782 Three Children of Richard Arkwright with a Goat -Joseph Wright of Derby, 1791The Baillie Family – Thomas Gainsborough, c.1784Sir Brooke Boothby – Joseph Wright of Derby , 1781Dancing Scene in the Caribbean- Agostino Brunias, 1764–96A Family Group in a Landscape – Francis Wheatley , c.1775Mrs Worrell as Hebe – Benjamin West,, c.1775–8The Hon. Miss Monckton – Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1777–8Lady Bate-Dudley – Thomas Gainsborough, c.1787Colonel Blair with his Family and an Indian Ayah – Johan Zoffany ,1786
Colonel Mordaunt’s Cock Match – Johan Zoffany, c.1784–6Iron Forge – Joseph Wright, 1772
Modern Times 1910–1920
Merry-Go-Round -Mark Gertler, 1916The Arrival -Christopher Richard Wynne Nevinson, c.1913Pavlova -Bruce Turner ,c.1912Standing Nude -Henri Matisse, 1907 Blue Beads -J.D. Fergusson, Paris 1910Piccadilly Circus -Charles Ginner, 1912In the Hold -David Bomberg, c.1913–14Rule Britannia -Spencer Gore ,1910Hampstead Garden Suburb from Willifield Way -William Ratcliffe, c.1914Bathing – Duncan Grant, 1911
Reality and Dreams 1920–1940
Gluck, Flora’s Cloak c.1923Two Females -Ceri Richards, 1937–8Unemployed -Reginald Brill, c.1934–6Bronze Ballet -Edward Wadsworth, 1940Pastoral -Frederick Cayley Robinson, 1923–4 The Deluge -Winifred Knights, 1920December 31, 1937, 8.00pm (Oompah) -Reuben Mednikoff, 1937Variation on Peggy -Walter Richard Sickert, 1934–5Portrait of a Young Woman -Meredith Frampton, 1935The Woolshop -Sir Stanley Spencer, 1939The Cinema -William Roberts, 1920Portrait of Hélène Yellin -William Roberts, c.1923A Symposium -Julian Trevelyan, 1936
International Modern 1930-1940
Abstract Composition – Jean Hélion, 1934 June 1937 (painting) – Ben Nicholson OM, 1937 1933 (milk and plain chocolate) – Ben Nicholson OM, 1933
JMW Turner
Self-Portrait – Joseph Mallord William Turner ,c.1799Peace – Burial at Sea – Joseph Mallord William Turner ,exhibited 1842London from Greenwich Park – Joseph Mallord William Turner ,exhibited 1809Fishermen at Sea – Joseph Mallord William Turner, exhibited 1796Vision of Medea – Joseph Mallord William Turner,1828The Shipwreck – Joseph Mallord William Turner ,exhibited 1805Venice, the Bridge of Sighs – Joseph Mallord William Turner ,exhibited 1840The Opening of the Wallhalla 1842 – Joseph Mallord William Turner, exhibited 1843Castle in an Alpine Valley, called ‘Heidelberg’ – Joseph Mallord William Turner,c.1844–5Rome, from the Vatican. Raffaelle, Accompanied by La Fornarina, Preparing his Pictures for the Decoration of the Loggia -Joseph Mallord William Turner ,exhibited 1820The Decline of the Carthaginian Empire – Joseph Mallord William Turner,exhibited 1817Regulus- Joseph Mallord William Turner, 1828 reworked 1837The Opening of Waterloo Bridge (‘Whitehall Stairs, June 18th, 1817’) -John Constable ,exhibited 1832Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage – Italy – Joseph Mallord William Turner, exhibited 1832
Modern and Contemporary British Art from 1940 to today
I made less photos on this collection however there are very intesting pieces!
Fear and Freedom 1940-1965
Moulid el-Nabi – Denis Williams, 1959
Creation and Destruction1960–1966
In Full Colour 1960-70
A Bigger Splash – David Hockney,1967 Self-Portrait with Badges -Peter Blake, 1961Mirror – Sir Frank Bowling OBE RA, 1964–6The Identi-Kit Man – Derek Boshier, 1962The Firemen of Alijo – Paula Rego ,1966
Richard Hamilton
Ideas into Action 1965–1980
This was the most interesting artwork for me. The piece is about the artist’s connection to the enslaved, no need to say he is a black artist. First he wanted to use his very own blood but it was not allowed when it was first exhibited back in 1990, so they used a fake blood. The ‘blood’ connects the coats of arms of John Hawkins, the first slave trader to sail from Plymouth, to the coat of arms of Queen Elizabeth I.In 1567, Hawkins was granted the use of a large ship of Elizabeth’s fleet, for the purpose of enslaving Africans to sell in the Spanish colonies.…
Visceral Canker – Donald Rodney, 1990
Henry Moore
Francis Bacon and Henry Moore
Triptych August 1972 -Francis Bacon, 1972Francis Bacon – Three Figures and Portrait, 1975
Aubrey Williams
Olmec Maya – Now and Coming Time -Aubrey Williams, 1985Carib Ritual IV -Aubrey Williams, 1973Cenote -Aubrey Williams, 1983Cosmic Storm – Aubrey Williams , 1977
No Such Thing as Society 1980–1990
A South African Colouring Book -Gavin Jantjes, 1974–5
End of a Century 1990-2000
No Woman, No Cry – Chris Ofili, 1998The Wedding -R.B. Kitaj, 1989–93Echo Lake – Peter Doig, 1998
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlaZSx6tqRo [symple_tabgroup] [symple_tab title="Türkçe"] Böyle mükemmel bir sesi daha önce keşfetmemiş olduğum için pişmanım! Aslında…