Joan Miró. Women, Birds, Stars
September 23, 2014 – March 8, 2015
I actually have been to the Miró museum in Barcelona couple of times. Probably it was forbidden to take photos that’s why I do not have any photos from there. However you can take photos of the works when they are exhibited abroad. Which I find like a funny dilemma.
Miró is easily recognizable. You can always recognize a Miró in couple of seconds. Say it is the colours he uses, or the shapes or the lines. When you visit him museum in Barcelona, you hardly understand how this style could be that much celebrated. He is one of the painters which makes you feel like “Damn, I could do this too?!?” However there are many hidden symbols in his works, you really need to hear the stories behind them. I somehow like him…
GAUDI XVII – Joan Miró, 1979 Figures and birds with a dog – Joan Miró, 1978 Object and plaster relating to Personage – Joan Miró, 1970
Mezopotamya Dramaturjileri/Su No.5 – Kutluğ Ataman, 2009