A belated Post, geç kalmıs bir yazı: Mona Boutchebak!

A belated Post, geç kalmıs bir yazı: Mona Boutchebak!

  • April 24, 2011
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  • Genel
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في قلبي راكي ساكنه

fi kalbi araki sekna
in my heart I see you living…
Mona Boutchebak, is an Algerian musician and singer, who studied Arab-Analucian Music. She plays the kuitra and the oud. She has a band called: Les Orientales, and also has an album called: Le Diwan de Mona. With the band they made a brilliant album in which they covered ‘ Besame Mucho’ and ‘La Historia de un Amor’. After searching for so long, I could contact her via internet, and even I met her sister in Istanbul which was quite a bit surprise for me!
She has a song called ”Sekna” which you can find in Putumayo Women of the World Acoustic that I adore!

كين كون وحدي في شط لبحر
kin koun wahdi fi shat labhar
انروح بعيد و نتفكر
enrouh bàid ou natfakar
وانشوف بلي راني هانيا
w’nshouf beli rani hanya
حبابي و ناسي بعاد غليا
hbabi ou nassi bàad àlia
و نتيا مومو عينيا
ou ntia moumou àinia
في قلبي راكي ساكنه 2
fi qalbi raki sakna x2
في حياتي كاينه حكايه
fi hyaty kayna hkaya
ألف حكايه و حكايه
alf hkaya ou hkaya
يا ربي يا العالم بيا
ya rabi ya elàalem bia
حكايه دحكتني و بكاتني
hkaya dhahkatni ou bakatni
حكايه داتني و ردتني
hkaya datni ou radatni
في قلبي راكي ساكنه 2
fi qalbi raki sakna x2
في قلبي راكي ساكنه 4
fi qalbi raki sakna x4
قال بلي انا صغيره
qal beli ana sghira
ضغيره و جايا لدنيا
sghira ou jaya ladia
على بالي كلامهوم صح
àlabali beli klamhoum sah
ربي انا هداني هديه
rabi ana hdani hdia
عندي نجمه تعس عليه
àndi najma etàass àlia
في قلبي راكي ساكنه 2
fi qalbi raki sakna x2
“When I’m alone on the beach
i took off away with my thoughts
Then I know I’m fine
Loved ones and friends
they are far from me
and you are my life
you are in my heart sekna (living in)
in my heart there is a storythousand of story and story
oh god; you know what’s deep inside of me
some good and bad stories stories played me
you are in my heart sekna (living in)
they have told me that i’m still young
and you’re coming to lifethey are right
my god blessed me with a gift
i have a star above me looking after me
you are in my heart sekna (living in)
Written by EGe

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  1. Pingback: Meeting with Mona | egecita

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