as nEw year approaches…

as nEw year approaches…

  • December 24, 2008
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  • Genel
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Oh I i had a lot to say

But now that they lost their meanings, with a time corrosion.
And they are hurting me inside, as i can’t speak them out loud
My feelings go up and down, like a sinus function
Each time i see a possibility to dedicate myself to my ascending feelings
They start to sag, and i say i misunderstood
I meet with zero again,
My hand reaches to the wineglass
A bit alcohol, i lose myself in the aromatic fume
I search reasons to cry, something triggers me off to
Then i hear the lyrics of the song background
I envy all the people to whom poems were written
To whom elaborate words were dedicated
I see my lips’ trace on the wineglass
They dont belong to that sanded silicium piece
Take a sip of the red fire that took my innocence away
I entered my twenties with it, left my teentime behind
An ache passes over my chest reaches my eyesprings
They wait for me to drop them
I tilt my head back

Elif Şafak’tan son bombam

İtiraf etmeliyim ki, emsaline kolay kolay rastlanmayacak büyülükte bir tutkuya atfediyordum bu ilişkiyi. Belki de ömrüm boyunca yaşayamadığım ne sevda varsa, hepsini bir dikişte Be-Ce işe yaşamaya kalkmştım. Oysa her şey çok basitti.
Elif Şafak/ Mahrem s:198


Written by EGe